The Schladminger Tauern and the area surrounding Ramsau am Dachstein are a touring Eldorado in Styria. In the Hotel Loy Roadbook in Gröbming, you will find numerous tour suggestions. Many routes lead to peaceful mountain lakes, thunderous waterfalls, and up to some of the most beautiful alpine passes in the region.
Whether you are exploring by motorbike, vintage automobile or convertible, your personal touring adventure is just around the corner.
Incidentally, Hotel Loy is located in Gröbming, the home of two annual vintage-car highlights: the Ennstal Classic and Planai Classic!
Hotel Loy | 8962 Gröbming, Loyplatz 98 | +43 3685 22357 |
Hotel Loy | 8962 Gröbming, Loyplatz 98 | +43 3685 22357 |